DJWavyD's RAW Review- 02.26.2024: "I'm Hunting the Bloodline"

Weekly Blog reviewing this week's episode of Monday Night Raw from co host of the Slapping Meat Wrestling Podcast: DJWAVYD


2/28/20244 min read

Yuuuuurrrrrr what's good to all my Meaty Folks and Junkyard Dogs, It's your boy DJ WavyD and I'm here to review my first, of hopefully many, Monday Night Raws for you guys here on the Junk Yard Media Group website.

First we kick off the show with Dom in the ring being pelted by Boos. He brings out Rhea and we have the opening of Raw off to a good start. Rhea and Becky have a good promo battle, establishing Rhea as the popular heel.

Rhea left the ring and Nia attacked Becky from behind, and Rhea refused to intervene. Really solid opening segment gives Becky something to do while we head into Mania so we don’t have weekly promos and pull apart between Mami and The Man. Also gives Becky a chance to get payback on Nia and make up for the loss she suffered against her.

The first match of the night, starting at 8:15, is Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke ...match started off really slow due to commercial breaks both in between entrances and after a couple mins of opening action. The match was really getting ruined by commercial breaks in my opinion. Some positives were that it was a hard hitting match and that the crowd was hot for it, but it was ruined for tv

That match was finally over and we were pleased with the amazing entrance of Chelsea Green!!! Chelsea is a favorite amongst DJ WavyD and many other fans out there. We get Chelsea vs Raquel. The pre match promo from Chelsea was routine but magic. Very much textbook heel work about Raquel and the local sports team. It was a squash match ofc, but I was sports entertained by both ladies. It was a nice tv squash match.

We then got a Sami backstage interview about needing the win tonight, and now he has gained more confidence that he will be at Wrestlemania. He's looking to make it there one way or another. Interrupting his interview was Imperium where he got into a stare down with Gunther (potential IC match at Mania…I hope not)

Imperium vs New Day Street Fight is up next. First we get a pre match promo by Gunther. Gunther puts over Jey a lot while keeping the heel alive. Talks about dominant title reigns and talks about potential WM opponents. Next enters Priest and JD. To my surprise Big Dom steps up as a potential challenger to Gunther!!!! Do we get Priest or Dom…I love the suspense. Priest was especially hot headed during this segment. Do we get Gunther 1v1 at Mania or in a multi man ladder match? JD is backstage and catches up with Rhea, Dom runs into Andrade. Seems to be on good terms. Andrade is gonna talk to Pierce about who his first opponent is going to be.

Street fight finally starts! Action begins on the ramp right away. Street Fight is pretty brutal and hard hitting. Nice elbow drop from Woods to Gio through the table spot. Which was then followed up by Kofi getting pushed off the top through another table on the outside. Nice near fall with Kaiser pulling the ref outta ring. Big surprise that they actually did a head shot with a steel pan!?!? Imperium picks up the win in a very solid street fight.

We then go backstage where Gable also comes to management about wanting to face Gunther at Mania

Next we get Shayna and Zoey vs Indie and Candice in a tag match, unfortunately they get garbage time slots again. Slightly back and forth but a real quick match, Shayna makes Indi tap. I wish the women got better time slots for their tag matches. The women’s division is getting alot of TV time which is great, but the time slots aren't doing the tag division any favors. Candice doesn't connect with me personally, but I feel like Indie has potential in the singles division. Possibly a contender for the rumored women’s mid card title.

Up next we are getting Drew! Awesome Truth and DIY get a quick backstage segment. Seems like they are teaming up to take on JD pretty soon.

Drew thanks fans for supporting him and his chase to get a title match at Mania. Takes another shot at Punk and mocks him. Still heeling it up. Proceeds to call out Seth, who comes out. Seth does his usual crowd work and they have a back and forth about why Seth is so invested in the smackdown and bloodline drama. Drew wants Seth outta the bloodline drama so they don’t get involved in their match. But Seth wants to take them out before Mania so that they don’t get involved.

Next we get Nia Jax vs Liv Morgan. Liv and Nia start off interesting, Nia mostly in control before Liv hits dive to send us to break. It was a good David vs Goliath match. Becky interferes and attacks Nia leading to Nia winning by DQ. Liv Morgan is not happy. Yeah I have a strong feeling that Liv is gonna turn some type or form of heel.

Waller has a backstage interview about what happened at Chamber and about his match tonight against Cody. There seems to be very slight tension from Theory. Becky and Pierce are backstage and he gives her Nia next week. Liv quickly confronts Becky, I definitely think Liv is going to turn. Jey and Drew interact backstage and start brawling. Paul Heyman is confirmed to be at the arena during the main event. Cody and Waller are going back and forth, Theory gets involved a few times. Crowd was good the whole night. Cody dives through ropes to attack Theory. Cody hits cutter and Cross Rhodes for a fairly easy win.

There are 10 mins left in the show…what happens next? Paul Heyman comes out with security. Paul instigates with Cody and warns Cody to stop talking aboutThe Rock. Tells Cody to take back his challenge. Cody is fed up and fired up. Cody is showing some edge and beats up Paul’s personal security and even threatens to beat up Paul Heyman. Show ends with Cody standing tall and Paul calling both Roman and Rock on separate phones lol. Hope you guys enjoyed the show this week. Next review I’m looking to give you guys more reaction and what i like and dislike, and less of a breakdown of every little thing that happened. Either way, thank you for reading! STAY WAVY!!!