ROH Final Battle Review

The Final Pay Per View of the ROH yearly schedule... was it a failure or a massive success?


"Junkyard" James

12/17/20234 min read

Ring of Honor has been a hidden gem ever since Tony Khan purchased the company. So hidden that I was not ever aware of how much it would slap. I have to admit the $10 price tag for pay per view was seemingly a steal of a deal. From the beginning of the sho until it's ending, ROH Final Battle 2023 hit the right notes in every damn match.

We open the show with El Hijo de Vikingo fighting Black Taurus. This got the crowd immediately on board. We all know how Vikingo goes. But Black Taurus was a big star in this match as well. Luchador wrestling is always entertaining and I thoroughly could've watched this match go 60 minutes. Final score: 4.5/5

The next match was TMDK challenging The Mogul Embassy for the ROH Trios Championship. I have to admit, I know very little about TMDK but all 3 gentlemen looked great in this match. It looked for quite a while that TDMK was going to pull the upset, but in the end Brain cage and company retains the belts. Final Score: 3.75/5

Tony Nese and Ethan Page then fought in an I Quit Match that slapped. It hit every note I look for in an I Quit Match. Smart Mark Sterling started handcuffed to the outside turnbuckle but through some manipulation was able to get uncuffed and decided to attack Ethan Page, whom recently rejected the advances of Nese and Sterling to join sides. But what all hope seemed lost for Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky came to his rescue and help secure the victory. Final Score 4.25/5

Vertvixen then gave it her best shot against Nyla Rose, but was pretty quickley defeated. This was an average match, but each wrestler got their spots in. Not every match has to be a "Five Star Match" to be an effective match. This match filled its purpose. I thouroughly enjoyed it. Final Score: 2/5

The Survival of the Fittest match is next. Winner becomes the ROH TV Champion. Dalton Castle was the fan favorite to win the whole show. But he had to challenge Kommander, Lee Moriarty, Lee Johnson, Kyle Fletcher and Bryan Keith (who won a match on Zero Hour to be added to this match). What started like a slow match turned into an absolute classic of a match real quickly. When Johnny TV distracted Dalton Castle and cost him the match, the fans were thoroughly upset. BOO JOHNNY TV! BOO! The final 2 of this match were Kyle Fletcher and Kommander, whom tore the roof off the house at the end of this match to totally have what I believe was a contender for match of the night. Kyle Fletcher ultimeately prevailed and is your NEEEEWWWW ROH TV Champion. Final Score 5/5

Next comes Wheeler Yuta fighting Tom Lawlor. Maybe it is because I am not an avid ROH watcher, but the ROH Pure championship rules confuse me. Nonetheless, this match was a fairly good showing. Lawlor looked good. So did Yuta. Yuta retained the title. After the match, HOOK interrupted Yuta. Seems possible he will be challenging for the ROH Pure Championship sooner than later. Final score: 3.25/5

The Next match is Shane Taylor fighting Limitless Keith Lee... maybe because it is the name of one of our podcasts, but dammit we all love watching big meaty men slapping meat. (CLICK THE LINK IN THE HEADER TO LISTEN TO THE SLAPPING MEAT WRESTLING PODCAST). For their size, both men performed moves that they should not be allowed to do physically. Keith Lee finally conquered Shane Taylor and described himself as "HIM". Final Score: 4.25/5

Blackpool Combat Club squared off against Mark Briscoe and FTR in the memory of Jay Briscoe, who's final match before his untimely passing was the Double Dog Collar Match at Final Battle 2022 against FTR. I enjoyed this whole match, as all 6 men took each other to their limit . Mark Briscoe pinned Bryan Danielson to win the match. Solid match. Final Score: 4.75/5

The setup match before the main event was Anthony Henry taking on Eddie Kingston. Henry looked impressive, but much like the Nyla Rose and Vertvixen match this match will not be on the Match of the Year ballot. And it didn't have to be. It served it's purpose. Kingston won. Final Score: 3/5

And it was time for the main event! Billie Starkz (the 19 year old superstar) challenged her "mentor" Athena for the ROH Women's Championship. This match was just so damn good. I love Billie Starkz.... I seriously think she's the future of the division. The story that was told in this match was so damn good. Billie took Athena too the limit, but it didn't matter... Athena is just too tough. Billie Starkz couldn't beat the final boss. Athena retained and continues her dominant run as champion. to end the show, Starkz and Athena hugged it out and it looks like Starkz is again Athena's MIT (Minion in Training). Final Score: 5.5/5

Overall average score: 4.025/5

Final Words: I bought Honorclub with the intention to cancel my subscription after Final Battle, but after this show I will be keeping it. ROH is a hidden gem that everyone should be watching. Tony Khan again proves why he is the maestro of booking pay per views. Compared to NXT Deadline the week prior, ROH Final Battle blew it out of the water.

Thanks You Tony Khan! Our Booker of the Year!

Check out our podcasts and let me know your thoughts. Did you watch Final Battle? How would you say it did? Until next time... Junkyard Out!